Monday, July 05, 2010

Enter The Dragon

So dig it. I finally installed Dragon naturally speaking version 10. I have finally started using the software with Microsoft office in just about anywhere else that I can enter text. It seems like the biggest benefit is that I can lean back in my chair and pontificate. But of course there are some gaps in how at the interprets my dictation. But overall I think it it works pretty well. I think also that I did the minimum amount of training for the software but nonetheless it seems to work pretty well.
I think over the course of training the software to interpret my speech I will be all to lean back and not even look the text and trust that the text is being dictated appropriately. Right now I spend quite a bit of time editing the output but nonetheless I still think that I'm ahead of the game.
I think that one of the things that a person has to get over is the self-consciousness that you feel when you're typing through dictation. The self-consciousness interrupts your thinking process but I suppose that over the course of using the software that self-consciousness would go away just like for those folks who were on reality TV shows the self-consciousness of peanut camera eventually goes away with practice.
Anyway, it's the Monday after the Fourth of July in 2010 and hopefully this means that I'm embarking upon a new approach to blogging and maybe I will do it more often, and sign off.


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